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Dopo Andorra un’altra anticipazione del grande evento romantico di Vallerano in programma il 5-6-7 luglio

Se lo scorso fine settimana in Andorra si è consumato con successo il primo atto della “Notte delle Candele”, manifestazione gemellata col celebre evento di Vallerano, nella Tuscia viterbese, un secondo episodio in ben tre giorni di programmazione avrà luogo il 5, 6 e 7 luglio al Castello di Santa Severa, spazio della Regione Lazio, gestito da LAZIOcrea in collaborazione con Comune di Santa Marinella e Coopculture. L’iniziativa LA NOTTE DELLE CANDELE IN POLVERE, che anticipa la più celebre manifestazione dell’ultimo sabato di agosto, vedrà allestire le viuzze del borgo di ogni lume e scenografia, con eventi dal vivo, tra arte e musica. La manifestazione avrà luogo a partire dalle 20:00. Dopo Pals in Catalunya e Ordino in Andorra, eventi curati da Daniele Raggi che hanno reso possibile l’internazionalizzazione del format più romantico dell’anno producendo un mix vincente di turismo, cultura e partecipazione attiva del pubblico, i visitatori potranno assaporare questa “Notte delle candele in polvere” anche godendo delle prelibatezze enogastronomiche locali proposte da numerosi street food. L’iniziativa è organizzata dall’Associazione Notte delle Candele di Vallerano in collaborazione con Pyrgi eventi e Fabio Quartieri. Media partner sarà quest’anno Radio Italia Anni Sessanta. Sono inoltre già aperte le prevendite su I-ticket per acquistare i biglietti de LA NOTTE DELLE CANDELE DI VALLERANO, in programma sabato 31 agosto: per il primo anno, infatti, data l’enorme e incontenibile affluenza degli scorsi anni, l’iniziativa sarà a numero chiuso. Come infatti afferma Maurizio Gregori, ideatore dell’evento, “si è deciso di limitare l’eccessiva partecipazione, che l’anno scorso ha registrato oltre le 15mila presenze, per permettere ai convenuti che si prenoteranno per tempo una migliore gestione di servizi, parcheggi ed aree dove ristorarsi e seguire da vicino e con la giusta attenzione le singole performance, pur continuando ad ammirare l’incanto degli scenari creativi realizzati dagli abitanti, che vedono utilizzare in tutto il borgo circa 100mila candele”. Castello di Santa Severa Ingresso: €10 (intero) – €5 (ridotto)
Ufficio stampa LA NOTTE DELLE CANDELE DI VALLERANO: Elisabetta Castiglioni –

  • Dantooine. They’re on Dantooine.
  • He is here.
  • Don’t underestimate the Force.

I care. So, what do you think of her, Han? A tremor in the Force. The last time I felt it was in the presence of my old master. But with the blast shield down, I can’t even see! How am I supposed to fight? Obi-Wan is here. The Force is with him. But with the blast shield down, I can’t even see! How am I supposed to fight? You are a part of the Rebel Alliance and a traitor! Take her away!

Still, she’s got a lot of spirit. I don’t know, what do you think? What!? I don’t know what you’re talking about. I am a member of the Imperial Senate on a diplomatic mission to Alderaan– What good is a reward if you ain’t around to use it? Besides, attacking that battle station ain’t my idea of courage. It’s more like…suicide.
You don’t believe in the Force, do you? Obi-Wan is here. The Force is with him. I call it luck. Look, I can take you as far as Anchorhead. You can get a transport there to Mos Eisley or wherever you’re going. What?! The Force is strong with this one. I have you now.

  1. I care. So, what do you think of her, Han?
  2. You mean it controls your actions?
  3. Look, I can take you as far as Anchorhead. You can get a transport there to Mos Eisley or wherever you’re going.
  4. I’m trying not to, kid.

Revenge of the Sith

post-imageI can’t get involved! I’ve got work to do! It’s not that I like the Empire, I hate it, but there’s nothing I can do about it right now. It’s such a long way from here. Leave that to me. Send a distress signal, and inform the Senate that all on board were killed. I’m surprised you had the courage to take the responsibility yourself. No! Alderaan is peaceful. We have no weapons. You can’t possibly…

Your eyes can deceive you. Don’t trust them. He is here. What?! Hokey religions and ancient weapons are no match for a good blaster at your side, kid. I’m trying not to, kid.

I’m trying not to, kid. I have traced the Rebel spies to her. Now she is my only link to finding their secret base. He is here. You are a part of the Rebel Alliance and a traitor! Take her away! Dantooine. They’re on Dantooine.


Still, she’s got a lot of spirit. I don’t know, what do you think? What!? I don’t know what you’re talking about. I am a member of the Imperial Senate on a diplomatic mission to Alderaan– What good is a reward if you ain’t around to use it? Besides, attacking that battle station ain’t my idea of courage. It’s more like…suicide.

Hey, Luke! May the Force be with you. Kid, I’ve flown from one side of this galaxy to the other. I’ve seen a lot of strange stuff, but I’ve never seen anything to make me believe there’s one all-powerful Force controlling everything. There’s no mystical energy field that controls my destiny. It’s all a lot of simple tricks and nonsense. Remember, a Jedi can feel the Force flowing through him. He is here. Ye-ha! I have traced the Rebel spies to her. Now she is my only link to finding their secret base.

You don’t believe in the Force, do you? Obi-Wan is here. The Force is with him. I call it luck. Look, I can take you as far as Anchorhead. You can get a transport there to Mos Eisley or wherever you’re going. What?! The Force is strong with this one. I have you now.




Hey, Luke! May the Force be with you. Kid, I’ve flown from one side of this galaxy to the other. I’ve seen a lot of strange stuff, but I’ve never seen anything to make me believe there’s one all-powerful Force controlling everything. There’s no mystical energy field that controls my destiny. It’s all a lot of simple tricks and nonsense. Remember, a Jedi can feel the Force flowing through him. He is here. Ye-ha! I have traced the Rebel spies to her. Now she is my only link to finding their secret base.

Oh God, my uncle. How am I ever gonna explain this? Look, I ain’t in this for your revolution, and I’m not in it for you, Princess. I expect to be well paid. I’m in it for the money. A tremor in the Force. The last time I felt it was in the presence of my old master.

All right. Well, take care of yourself, Han. I guess that’s what you’re best at, ain’t it? Alderaan? I’m not going to Alderaan. I’ve got to go home. It’s late, I’m in for it as it is. The plans you refer to will soon be back in our hands.


WOW, Nice photo !
WOW, Nice photo !

I need your help, Luke. She needs your help. I’m getting too old for this sort of thing. Oh God, my uncle. How am I ever gonna explain this? Hey, Luke! May the Force be with you. No! Alderaan is peaceful. We have no weapons. You can’t possibly… As you wish. Look, I can take you as far as Anchorhead. You can get a transport there to Mos Eisley or wherever you’re going.

I suggest you try it again, Luke. This time, let go your conscious self and act on instinct. Dantooine. They’re on Dantooine. You’re all clear, kid. Let’s blow this thing and go home! I’m surprised you had the courage to take the responsibility yourself. I’m trying not to, kid.

I care. So, what do you think of her, Han? Don’t underestimate the Force. I don’t know what you’re talking about. I am a member of the Imperial Senate on a diplomatic mission to Alderaan– I have traced the Rebel spies to her. Now she is my only link to finding their secret base.

You’re all clear, kid. Let’s blow this thing and go home! But with the blast shield down, I can’t even see! How am I supposed to fight? Alderaan? I’m not going to Alderaan. I’ve got to go home. It’s late, I’m in for it as it is.

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